We know about the Salesforce release schedule... updates come out three times each year and are automatically applied to their multi-tenant environment. And for those of us trying to keep up, each release comes with literally hundreds of pages of release notes and, hopefully, at least a couple of features that we're genuinely excited to share with our users. The Spring '19 release includes a change that *could* lower the total cost of your subscription! Storage in Salesforce comes in two flavors, data storage and file storage. I'm focused here on data storage, because that's where I've seen orgs push (or exceed) the standard limits the standard data storage limits are changing additional data storage on the platform is EXPENSIVE! One additional GB of data storage can run $3,000 per year ! I worked with one small org whose incremental storage charges were a pretty hefty percent of their base license costs! (Archived Tasks were the culprit, but that's ...