I've put a 'penalty box' on my reps' dynamic dashboard. This section of their dashboard calls out items that they own that require attention. Their penalty box includes issues such as open opportunities with a close date in the past forecasted opportunities with no quote issued open opportunities that include inactive SKUs MQLs that haven't been addressed after some period of time stale opportunities (untouched in, say, 30 days) early-stage opportunities with near-term close dates These are intended to keep the reps honest and help them keep their pipeline clean. But I have my own Salesforce hygiene issues to keep up with. So I've created my own dashboard to keep these front and center. I can't necessarily fix all the issues today (who gets those leads when the territory is vacant?), but I want to fix what I can, and then keep sight of others needing attention. My personal cleanup dashboard includes the following: Open opportunities ow...