In the previous post, we added MRR and FYV custom currency
fields on the Opportunity object. The next step is to set up forecasting on
these fields.
The first requirement is to enable Opportunity Splits.
you’re not actually splitting credit among reps, the opportunity owner will
receive 100% credit by default, so turning on splits doesn’t require additional
input on each opportunity, but IS required to set up forecasting with custom
In Setup, search for Splits, click on Opportunity Splits
Settings then on Set Up Opportunity Splits. I’m going to rename the first entry
from Revenue to TCV (total contract value) to better distinguish that from our
custom fields. I’ll deactivate the Overlay split type.
Next, I’ll add a new split type, naming it MRR and selecting
the Opportunity – MRR field. Repeat for FYV, using the Opportunity – FYV field.
Click Save. Check the warning and then, if those warning
conditions don’t apply, click Enable.
Now you have the option to add the splits into to various
page layouts. If your only use for the splits is forecasting (that is, you’re
not really splitting credit), you can leave the splits off the page layouts.
Once you click Save, Salesforce will kick off a process to
apply splits to your existing opportunities; depending on the size of your org,
this could take a bit of time.
Next we enable these new split types for forecasting.
Setup, search for Forecasts then click on Forecasts Settings. The Opportunity
Revenue forecast type is the default, fed by the Amount field.
Let's check out the results!
Recall the sample opportunity from the prior post. That had
a total contract value (the ‘Amount’) of $3150. Of that, the monthly recurring
charges were $125, and the first year value was $1650. I’ve moved that
opportunity into the current quarter’s commit. So let’s take a look at the
Forecast module.
When viewing the FYV forecast, I have $1650 committed; with the MRR forecast type, the commit is $125. These same amounts would also roll into the Closed field for the respective views once the opportunity is closed-won. Note that you can load quotas for the different forecast types as well. Those can be displayed on the forecast tab and used in reporting.
Mission accomplished! Starting with product attributes, we’ve calculated MRR and FYV amounts on the Opportunity object. And now we’re able to roll up forecasts on these amounts.
Next time, we’ll wrap up the series with some tasks and
reports to support tracking of billings and recurring revenue.
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